
Sports Physicals

Family Practice located in Mableton, GA
Sports Physicals

Sports Physicals services offered in Mableton, GA

Sports physicals are required for children of all ages before they can play on a school sports team. At Quality Health Source, experienced nurse practitioner Dr. Johnson, offers school physicals in her Mableton, Georgia, office. To schedule your child’s sports physical before they try out for the team, call the office or click on the online booking feature today. 

What are sports physicals?

Sports physicals are medical exams you must have before participating in school sports. Georgia public schools require elementary, junior high, and high school students to complete a pre-participation physical evaluation before they can try out for a sports team, play on a sports team, or practice with a sports team. 

What happens in sports physicals?

There are two main facets to a sports physical, including: 

Medical history

A medical history review covers your child’s full medical history, from the time of birth up to today. This includes topics such as family medical issues, your child’s history of chronic conditions, previous hospitalizations, prior injuries, and other conditions that could affect their sports participation. 

Dr. Johnson also reviews all current and past medications, including supplements, and their current vaccination status as part of the medical history review.

Physical exam

During the physical exam, Dr. Johnson notes height, weight, and other important stats like blood pressure and pulse. She’ll check your child’s eyesight, heart, lungs, muscles, joints, and many other aspects of their health. 

This exam checks for potential issues that might prevent your child from participating in and enjoying sports to the fullest. 

The sports physical is also an excellent educational opportunity for your child. Dr. Johnson can discuss things like eating a healthy diet, the importance of hydration when playing sports, and injury prevention with your child.   

How often does my child need a sports physical?

Children in Georgia need a sports physical once a year for every year that they plan to participate in school sports. 

Quality Health Source recommends scheduling sports physicals around six weeks before tryouts or first team practice so your child can jump right into the game without any disruptions. This also allows adequate time to clear up any problems that could keep your child from playing sports. 

From the time of issue, a school sports clearance is good for one year. Depending on the situation, your child’s school sports team might require another sports exam before they can return to playing after an injury. 

Quality Health Source makes sports physicals a smooth and easy experience for you and your child. Call the office or click on the online booking feature to make your appointment today.